Study in France Consultants
Study in France Consultants

Study in France Consultants

Study in France in a diverse country with an excellent academic reputation. France has become a preferred destination amongst international students globally, making it perfect for Study Destination.

We are one of the trusted France study Consultants for students wishing to study in France. There are currently more than 220,000 international students in France currently enrolled from 130+ countries.

About 30% of enrollments at French institutions are international students, and many students study at the postgraduate level (master’s and doctorate).

The country offers an excellent quality of education and provides support services for all international students.

It has top-ranked teaching quality, lectures, and internship opportunities.

AOEC India is one of the best consultancies to study in France and get admission into Public Universities and Private Institutions.

Why Study in France

The French education system proves to be the best in the world and one of the most accessible, With low enrollment rates. France education consultants can help you to get into the best institutions across France.

  • It is a more economical option for international students.
  • French universities are close to the top of the ranking of renowned universities each year.
  • Its institutions offer an education that competes easily with other countries.
  • France is an excellent option for those who want to study business-related subjects.

The country is a center of international education in business and administration. It has many business schools in the world ranking.

Take first step towards your Study Abroad Journey

Top Reasons to Study in France

France has 71 public universities, and all are funded by the French government, offering quality education at affordable fees to students from European Union and International.

There are also several private institutions. The academic year begins in the Autumn season. It ends in Spring, depending on the course and the institution’s two semesters divided by a break after the final exams at the end of the semester.

There are mainly two types of courses offered at French universities: extensive lecture courses, in which the teacher explains and students take notes, and sections and laboratories, designed for smaller groups of students, where the material covered in the lectures is explored in more detail.

Generally, participation in sections and laboratories is mandatory. Some Master’s and Research programs require internships and practical training as part of the curriculum.

French universities use a popular format across the EU: license, master’s, doctorate. The license refers to undergraduate studies and lasts 6 semesters (3 years), with 180 ECTS earned. Master’s studies last for another 4 semesters (2 years), totaling 5 years and 300 ECTS obtained. Students can receive a doctorate after the additional 6 semesters (3 years).

It is also essential to know that every university has an internship referral system and a career services office. It means that you will always know about the latest internships and job opportunities available. Contact AOEC India France Education Consultants in Hyderabad for more information.

Institutions we Process for

S.NoInstitution Name
1Agrocampus Ouest
2Aix Marseille University
3American Business School of Paris
4Audencia Business School
5Aura International School of Management
6Bordeaux Montaigne University
7Burgundy School of Business
8Centrale Supélec
9College De Paris
10Cote d’Azur University
11Cours Florent
12CY Cergy Paris University
13De Vinci Higher Education
14ECAM LaSalle
15Ecema Business School
16Ecole Central de Marseille
17Ecole Centrale de Lille
18Ecole Centrale de Lyon
19Ecole Centrale de Nantes
20Ecole Conte
21Ecole de Management Applique
22Ecole de Management de Strasbourg
23Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique
24École des Ponts Business School
25Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech
26Ecole D’Ingenieurs du Cesi
27Ecole d’ingénieurs en Génie des Systèmes Industriels
28EICAR-École Internationale de Création Audiovisuelle et de Réalisation
29Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Brest
30Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Electronique et de ses Applications
31Ecole Nationale Supérieure des mines de Saint-Etienne
32Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay
33Ecole Polytechnique
34École Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon
35École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci
36École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur
37EDHEC Business School
38EFREI Paris
39EIDM Fashion and Luxury Business School
40EM Normandie Business School
41EM Strasbourg Business School
42Emlyon Business School
43ENGEES-National School for Water and Environmental Engineering
45EPF School of Engineering
46EPITA Engineering School in Computer Intelligence
47ESAIP School of Engineers
48ESC Bretagne Brest Business School
49ESC Clermont Business School
50ESCP Business School
51ESGCI: School of International Business and Marketing in Paris
52ESIEE Paris
53ESIGELEC Graduate School of Engineering
54ESLSCA Business School
55ESME Sudria School of Engineering
56ESSCA School of Management
57ESSEC Business School
58ESTACA Engineering
59ESTICE School of International Management
60EURECOM Engineering School
61European School of Political and Social Sciences
62Excelia Group
63Faculty of Law Institut Catholique de Lille
64Ferrandi Paris
65Grenoble Alpes University
66Grenoble Ecole de Management
67Grenoble Graduate School of Business
68HEC Paris
69IAE Dijon School Of Management
70IAE – Universite d’Angers
71ICD Business School
72ICN Business School
73IDRAC Business School
74IESA International Arts and Culture
75IESEG School of Management
76IFA Paris
77IGR-IAE de Rennes
78IMT Atlantique
79IMT Business School
80IMT Mines Albi Engineering School
81IMT Mines Ales Engineering
82IMT Nord
83INSA Centre Val de Loire
85INSEAD Business School
86INSEEC Business School
87Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
88IPSA Aeronautical School
90ISC Paris Business School
91ISEP-School of Digital Engineers
92ISG International Business School
93ISTEC Business School
95Kedge Business School
96Le Cordon Bleu Paris
97Le Mans Université
98L’Ecole de Design Nantes
99LISAA School of Arts & Design
100Lyon Catholic University
101ModArt International
102Montpellier Business School
103Nantes Université
104National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rouen
105Neoma Business School
106Paris City University
107Paris Saclay University
108Paris School of Business
109Polytech Nantes-Nantes Université
110Polytechnic Institute of Paris
111PSL Research University
112Rennes School of Business
113School of Agricultures ESA
114Sciences Po
115SKEMA Business School
116Sorbonne University
117SPEOS Paris Photography School
118Strate School of Design
119Sup Biotech
120Sup de Luxe
121Télécom Paris
122Top Tech College
123Toulouse Business School
124Uni Lasalle
125Université Angers
126Universite Catholique De l’Ouest
127Universite de Bretagne Sud
128Université de Caen Normandie
129Université de Franche-Comté
130Université de Limoges
131Université de Picardie Jules Verne
132Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
133Université de Rouen
134Université d’Orléans
135Université François Rabelais Tours
136Université Gustave Eiffel
137Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
138Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marne
139Université Savoie Mont Blanc
140University De Pau Et Des Pays De L’Adour
141University of Bordeaux
142University of Clermont Auvergne
143University of Lorraine
144University of Poitiers
145University of Toulon
146VATEL-Hotel & Tourism Business School

Top Courses

About France

France is a Scenic country with a long history of higher education. It’s located in Western Europe and occupies a geographically diverse area, from the Mediterranean Sea to the North Sea and the English Channel.

It gives France breathtaking natural beauty that you may want to explore. Culturally, France has a long history and a rich artistic, philosophical, and scientific tradition.

France is one of the leading centers of culture, cuisine, and literature. All of these reasons make it an exciting destination for international students around the world.

France’s main tourist attractions include:

  • Eiffel Tower (Paris)
  • Chateau de Versailles (Versailles)
  • Mont Saint Michel (Normandy)
  • The Cote d’Azure
  • The Louvre (Paris)
  • Mont Blanc (Western Europe’s largest mountain)


Most of the French people speak languages other than their own. However, for effective communication and studies in France, you must know French.

  • International students fluent in French have an easier time with their studies and everyday life. Suppose you think your French is not good enough. In that case, many language courses are available for students who wish to improve their language skills.
  • Socializing with locals and making an effort to speak French is an excellent way to improve your language skills.
  • At the same time, student teaching will be in English, and students should communicate in English. However, international students must learn French and improve their language skills for Internships and Full-time employment opportunities.

Do not take this as an obstacle but a challenge. Any fluency in French will look great on a resume or curriculum!

In case your course is taught in French, you will need to prove that you are fluent enough by taking one of the approved tests mentioned below:

  • TCF DAP (French connection test, Demande d’Admission Préalable),
  • DALF (diploma of approval) langue française)
  • QECR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

If your course is in English, you must prove your English proficiency.

Study Costs

France uses the euro (€) as its currency. Teaching fees in public institutions are set by the government and are very affordable. Tuition fees at public higher education institutions in France are identical for national and international students.

Monthly tuition costs are defined every year. In 2019, undergraduate studies’ average annual tuition costs were less than € 250 (below US $ 300). For master’s studies, fees are around € 259 (about $ 305), and for doctoral studies, it is around € 393 ($ 460).

Students are generally required to pay specific administrative fees that slightly increase tuition costs. Despite these rates, studying in France remains one of the most affordable options for international students seeking quality higher education.

These rates apply only to public institutions. If you want to study at a private institution, the fees tend to be much higher and amount to € 10,000 (the US $ 12,000) per year.

There are also some scholarships and mobility schemes available for those who wish to study abroad in France.

Some of the most popular include grants from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, funding from the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), awards from regional councils, Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus programs.

Cost of Living

Unlike tuition fees, living costs in France tend to be higher than in neighboring countries. Fortunately, students are often entitled to subsidized fares in restaurants and transportation.

  • Specialized student accommodation is also available for international students who wish to study in France. The cost of living is lower in smaller cities, so this is something to keep in mind when deciding where to study.
  • International students will have several accommodation options in France. You can live in university accommodation which costs 120 Euros a month.
  • Demand for these types of accommodation is very high, however. The selection is based on specific criteria and is given to exchange students or fellows.
  • Renting a private apartment will cost between 457 and 542 euros. Homestay accommodation is another option for international students. It will cost between € 200 and € 800 per month, depending on the location. The homestay also includes at least one meal a day.

International Students can apply for a grant from the local CAF (Caisse d’Allocation Familiale). Registration is free and, if you are eligible, you can receive up to 35% of your monthly rent.

Other living costs may include:

  • Electricity, gas, internet – € 60 per month
  • Study materials – € 50 per month
  • Travelcard or transport card – € 70 per month
  • Return train ticket – € 25 (in advance)
  • Shopping – € 250 per month
  • Eating out – € 12 on average
  • Gym membership – € 38 per month

Many galleries and museums are free for children under 26. France offers many student discounts, so it’s always worth asking about it when you leave.


If you want to study in France, finding out about all possible visa requirements is crucial.

The French government regulates these issues, and the regulations depend on your country of citizenship.

  • For EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein citizens, a visa is not required.

International Students need to obtain a visa, which includes a residence permit (VLS-TS). It is issued initially for one year and can be renewed later as per course and PSW options. To obtain this visa, you must complete

  • An application form and provide photos to the OFII (French Office of Immigration and Integration)
  • Passport
  • Proof of your qualifications
  • Proof you can speak French (if the course is in French)
  • Evidence that you have sufficient financial means.

Upon arrival in France, you will need to contact the OFII (a medical examination may be required).

Suppose you are from a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) and have an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) card. In this case, you do not need to obtain health insurance. You will access health services at the same locations and at the same cost as residents. If you are not from the EEA, you will need to purchase health insurance for your stay in France. It will cost between 20 and 50 euros per month, depending on the amount insurance companies cover.

International students need to prove that they can financially support their studies. You should receive about € 7,400 a year to confirm that you can help yourself without working. However, it is legal for international students to work for 20 hours a week, so there are opportunities to earn more money.

Student Friendly Cities

Many cities in France are home to universities and other higher education institutions. French cities are beautiful and have breathtaking views, and provide a unique experience for the first-time visitor.


Paris is a famous tourist destination, and you will fall in love with the food and culture available. As a student, you will study in a culturally rich city and have a chance to improve during your studies or outside when socializing with people. Paris is a popular tourist destination in the world and offers many opportunities for fun.

Paris is an important cultural center with many attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louver Museum, Arc of Triumph, and many more. Students will have the chance to get to know Paris to the fullest: its nightlife, picturesque streets, and charming cafes. As the capital, Paris also benefits from excellent universities and institutions, many of which specialize in specific subjects. Living in Paris offers a perfect opportunity to experience the city in all its beauty.


Lyon is located near the French border with Italy and Switzerland and is known as the culinary capital of France and the most accessible city for students. The city boasts impressive architecture that all visitors admire, mainly because Lyon’s well-preserved architecture has earned it UNESCO World Heritage status. International students who enjoy nature and winter sports will appreciate the proximity of the French Alps.

The city is known as one of the leading financial centers in France. In addition to many exciting places, Lyon has a lot to offer for those seeking higher education. It has 4 main universities: École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Claude Bernard Lyon University, Lumière Lyon University and Jean Moulin Lyon University.


Lille is situated northwest of France. It is an excellent base for exploring the rest of the country and other Schengen areas—Lille, once known as one of the leading industrial centers in France. In recent years, the city has expanded its cultural scene and commercial aspects. If you want to study in France, consider Lille: it offers many advantages of living in a smaller city. It has many educational opportunities, and at the same time, it is not as busy or expensive as some of the larger cities, like Paris.


Bordeaux is a famous port city in southwest France. It is the capital of the wine industry and home to the largest wine fair in the world, Vinexpo. The town has an ancient history of wine production: Bordeaux wine has been produced since the 8th century. This city is one amongst the UNESCO World Heritage List. And is known as the City of Arts and History and is home to one of the most significant architectural, urban areas of the 18th century in Europe.

Bordeaux offers many opportunities for international students seeking higher education. The famous University of Bordeaux was created in the 15th century. Today, it has around 70000 students. It is divided into 4 sectors: 1 in mathematics, physical and technological sciences, 2 in medicine and life sciences, 3 in liberal arts, languages, humanities, and history, and 4 in Law, Economy, Technology, and Management. There is also the Bordeaux Institute of Political Sciences.

Study in France FAQ
Q. How much does it cost to study in France?
A. Depending upon the type of Institutions you are enrolling in tuition fees will vary. If you have secured a place in Public University there will be a nominal fee ranging from 250 Euros to 1000 Euros per Semester. If you are enrolled in a private institution it will vary from 7000 Euros to 15000 Euros depending upon the accreditation institution has.
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Q. What are the requirements to Study in France
A. For Public Universities, an academic percentage of 75% & above along with an IELTS of 6.5. For Private Institutions, the academic percentage of 55 & Above and the Medium of Instruction from previous education Institutions is acceptable. The Medium of Instruction should be English.
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Q. Is France a Good Place to Study
A. Depending upon the course you choose we can advise you. France is always known for its business-related programs. Out of the top 100 ranking institutions globally for business studies, 24 institutions are from France. French education is known for its quality across the globe.
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Q. Can I study in France without knowing French?
A. Yes, you can study in France without knowing French. Teaching will be in English (Unless enrolling in a program where teaching will be in French). Students need to have basic proficiency in French for Part-time Jobs & Full-time employment opportunities.?
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