EICAR - Ecole Internationale de Création audiovisuelle et de réalisation

EICAR-École Internationale de Création Audiovisuelle et de Réalisation

Established in 1972, EICAR ICAR – Ecole Internationale de Creation audiovisuelle et de realization is both Education and Development in Audiovisual Creation and Production. It is an internationally recognized film and television school in Paris providing bachelor degree and masters program in English.

The degree programs of EICAR is designed by professionals following the ‘learning by doing’ philosophy to adapt technology with enthusiasm.

Established Year: 1972
Institution Type: Private
Address: 1 All. Allain Leprest, 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France
What's in Blog

Courses Offered

Offers 12 Courses

** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise

EICAR is a fundamental requirement for educational training and learning disciplines such as:

  • Filmmaking and Audiovisual.
  • Sound and Music.
  • Production.
  • Acting and Stage.

Enhanced Professional Networking Opportunities

The visiting professors of EICAR builds the relationships between teachers, lecturers and students to integrate with the successful international alumni network.

Authentic Example of an International Organization

EICAR is a place of international convergence to study the French painters and their aesthetic approach to describe the manufacturing methods. This offers an extended investigation to the phenomenon of representations of different cultures across the world.

While seeking high-quality training EICAR offers both theoretical and practical aspects of audiovisual creation and production.

Take first step towards your Study Abroad Journey

EICAR Placements

International School of Audio-visual and Cinema Creation, EICAR has well-trained staff and numerous placement opportunities:

Young Professional Skills: EICAR provides a workforce to help its students to take minimum education level of Bac+2 to solve the industry’s future issues.

Availability and Adaptability: The work-study students at EICAR offer adaptability with three weeks long term missions of research, etc.

Potential Referrals: The EICAR provides pre-recruitment process to create the possibilities for the interns to get trained under the professional expertise for the future work-study positions in the industry.

Recruitment Opportunities

EICAR provides several exciting opportunities for companies to recruit the best talents:

Job Dating: The Construction Training Center (CTC) is organized for the unique recruitment event in Paris to see directors, cinematographers, sound engineers and other creative people in the performance.

Jobteaser and Ymatch: These platforms provide job offers for the Paris and Lyon EICAR campuses to set up company information, offers and event details.

In-Field Training

Ensuring employability and professionalization, EICAR provides:

  • 70% of practical portion.
  • Subjects are designed by the professionals of the industry.
  • Professional audiovisual equipment.
  • A place to provide training experiences at the workplace.

Student Services Offered by EICAR

Accessibility for Everyone

While committing to access the Paris and Lyon campus, EICAR offers educational opportunities to the disabled students to achieve educational certification or diploma.

Ensuring Optimal Working Conditions

EICAR commits to access the campus for disabled students to demonstrate the favorable learning environment while collaborating with a network of organizations to ensure learning opportunity.

Rights & Benefits

EICAR students with disabilities offer various rights and benefits including:

  • CROUS provides the priority accommodation.
  • Students with disabilities operated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, The Handi U Website is accessible to the public.
  • The National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA), supports the disabled students.
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