Universite d Orleans
Universite d Orleans was initially established in 1306 and was considered as one of the oldest universities in Europe. In the mid 1960’s it was revived as an emerging and leading educational units in Centre-Val de Loire region with a prospect for academic excellence and advancement.
Courses Offered

** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
A Multidisciplinary Campus
The university has a rich multidisciplinary character with a variety of academic disciplines through:
- Training and Research
- A Polytech Engineering School
- 4 University Institutes of Technology
- A National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education (INSPÉ)
- An Observatory of the Sciences of the Universe (OSUC)
- University School of Physiotherapy: EUK
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A Medical Training Department
The university has more than 18000 students with more than 2000 international students, enriching them with the educational and multicultural perspectives.
Embracing International Relationships
Universite d’Orleans focuses on the international teaching abilities where 14% students are from foreign countries and almost 90 nations are facilitated within the campus. Known as a European University it was granted by HRS4R (Human Resources Excellence in Research) label.
Driving Innovation through Research
The university has several investments under the ‘Investments for Future’ concept, demonstrating its innovative tendencies through practicing research and technology licensing to national and global corporations.
Programs for the Career Advancement of Professionals
The university’s course selection correlates well with research and the coverage of program courses and orient them towards their desired profession. It supports and provide access in the local labour market, contributing to the territorial development.
Membership in Prestigious Learned Associations
With the Higher Education Network of International Credential Evaluation, Universite d’Orleans is a member of several reputable networks such as AUREF, EUA, AUF and Franc Universite.
Take first step towards your Study Abroad Journey
Universite d Orleans Accreditations
Universite d Orleans provides a broad definition of experience and valuable degrees for its students with Validated Achievement or Accreditation of Learning (VA). It is also intended to meet every educational requirement for its learner, worker, employee or student of any age, any qualification or status.
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Universite d Orleans Scholarships
Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program
It is indeed a privilege for Universite d Orleans being a part of the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program founded by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affair. This exceptional scheme is designed to invite students with global standards to undertake the Master’s or Doctorate programs.
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Cultivating Tomorrow’s Leaders
The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship aims to develop the future managers and decision makers for both the private and public sectors to prepare its students to address the worldwide needed specialties.
Key Features
- Recruits students with the age group of 25 years or below for the Master’s level.
- Targets students with the age group of 30 years or younger for the PhD level.
Universite d Orleans Placements
Managing University Education with Practice Engagement
Employment contracts with an enterprise are signed by normal students at the University to work with the unique work-study program.
Work experience to facilitate smooth integration of the employment reconciliation.
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The All-Ages Friendly Professionalization Contract
This professionalization contract is an employment contract for the work-study who enroll regardless of the age. It offers:
- Ways of opportunity to earn a diploma or degree.
- Correlate every student’s theoretical ideas and experience together.
- Assist students with the jobs by teaching them in the company and at the university.
New Career Path with Pro-A
The employment opportunity provided by Pro-A offers its students with the prospects of their career switch or advance through a work-study plan. Organizations apply this process to their staff in permanent employment that may take between 6-12 months and any training expenses incurred are usually absorbed by the OPCO.
Apprenticeship Contract: The concept here is called a Learning Journey.
Universite d’Orleans offers the Apprenticeship Training Centre to offer a vast range of training courses, with the professional degrees and lead to engineering degree-level training.
Training for Job Seekers
Job seekers get training opportunities at the university through training opportunities at the university which can be funded in various ways such as:
- ITC, an Individual Training Aid offered by the Pole Emploi agency.
- Centre-Val de Loire Region offers 80 training options.
- No formal registration is needed with most of the self-finance options.
Employment Hopes for the Disabled
Universite d’Orleans offers equal rights for each of the disabled workers and trains them for a new job.
Here, private companies, civil servants and job seekers support Local House for Disabled People throughout their training project/period.
Student Services Offered by Universite d Orleans
Health Services for Campus Healthiness
Orleans and Bourges University Health Services provide several health measures:
- Medical consultations on study, life , diet plans, exercise, mental health, and illnesses. And also review of their immunization records is made available when they get vaccinated.
- Regular nursing care and consultation is available with doctors and nurses about contraceptive methods.
- HIV counseling and testing services are also included along with the free rapid HIV screening tests.
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Organic and GOTS Certified- Sanitary Products
The university promotes sustainable menstrual hygiene and avails free samples of the organic cotton sanitary products at different corners of the campus at Orleans, Bourges, and other units.
Food Services are the primary in fulfilling the needs of disabled students.
Universite d’Orleans Guarantees Accessible Education for all
Disabled students are allowed to request accommodation by visiting the University Health service even if the student has any permanent or temporary disability.
Passerelle Handicap aims at supporting students with disabilities by providing improved mental health with sophrology.
Sopprology group classes are conducted to assist students to cope with stress, improve their self esteem and develop confidence.
Role of Nutrition Services in Maintaining the Right Lifestyle
The university understands the importance of a balanced diet by offering free individual consult with a Taylor dietician to discuss about the eating plans and diets.
Physical Activity and Well-being
Universite d’Orleans encourages an active lifestyle for its students through offering SUAPS which engages students in many sports activities. These also include dances like – Zumba, Hip-hop, Street Dance, etc.
Supporting Students in Crisis
Health Relay Students offers health promotion activities among students through the Health promotion camp among students.
Addressing Sexual Violence
The university takes strong measures against sexual harassment through an Anti-Sexist and Sexual Violence Unit that offers prevention, awareness, reporting systems, and victim support.
Universite d’Orleans focuses to maintain a balance between student services and their needs within the University aiming to fulfill its social responsibilities by catering health, support and other facilities need for students.
Student Life at Universite d Orleans
Student Community Life
Students get an opportunity to involve in the Universite d’Orleans association or club life which has over one hundred associations/clubs for- sports, theatre, radio, International solidarity, cultural foreigners promotion, music, etc.
Individual Support for Students (AIDE)
To complement its academic assistance, the University of Orleans offers one-on-one Student Support System called AIDE, which stands for “Accompagnement Individuel Des Etudiants”.
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Universite d’Orleans offer separate reception and assistance for students having any sort of problems, like in – social, medical, or psychological.
It also integrates with several large social bodies like Crous, Cpam, CCAS, prefectures, missions locales, associations, etc to assist students’ with their administrative processes.
The FSDIE – the Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives
The FSDIE is sponsored by Student Life and Campus Contribution CVEC, to support multiple projects of the student association and has been raising funds since last few years.
Charter of Student Associations
Universite d’Orleans aims to regulate all the associations during a particular academic year where Charter entails the promotion of the dignity of the human person, public order, and secularism.
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