Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech
Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, a school with decades of experience and high reputation in the engineering community was founded in 1747. At first named the Ecole Royale des Ponts et ChaussEes, this leading institution has profoundly changed engineering through the innovative programs and research activities developed over time.
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Courses Offered
** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
Why Choose Ecole des Ponts ParisTech?
Elite Training
With a lot of importance to global energy problem Ecole des Ponts ParisTech offers the programs and researches to transit the renewable energy sources by providing necessary skills and knowledge.
Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Executives
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech offers postgraduate course and doctoral programs for developing active research labs following various industries and taking steps accordingly. The school provides harmonious and fulfilling requirements of the changing environment and global industries.
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Take first step towards your Study Abroad Journey
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Accreditations
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech holds widely recognized accreditation from the excellent Conference des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) given by the institution leaders retaining the school’s Advanced Masters-Mastere SpEcialisE program with a multi-space expertise and secondary skillset.
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Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Scholarships
Fondation des Ponts Scholarships
The Fondation des Ponts annually grants the amount of €10,000 in average for over 3 semesters to its students irrespective of their nationalities.
Scholarships according to Social Character
Social scholarships are offered to students with the low income to help them participate in the programs ensuring that the deserving students can compete on equal ground.
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Corporate Fellowships
The school in cooperation with the industry has launched Corporate scholarships to international students with the names like Meridiam, Fondation Ibn Rochd (Formerly Fondation OCP), Saint-Gobain and others. Eligibility rules and fellowship conditions varies from program to program.
Other Scholarship Programs
In addition to the above, the school also provides a few other scholarship programs for international students:
- Meritorious Scholarships (Foreign Affairs Ministry).
- French government scholarships
- BRAFITEC scholarships (Brazil)
- AFRITEC scholarships (Argentina)
- Financial aids for Catalan students (Generalitat de Catalonia)
Erasmus+ Scholarships
Erasmus+ program provides financial assistance through grants to facilitate the mobility of students all across the European Union.
lle-de-France Region Scholarships
Based on social criteria this scholarship is offered to the students whose family income range is less than € 19,190.
Along with these international programs Ecole des Ponts also encourages career development programs offering scholarship opportunities:
- CSC Scholarships for final year students at the Chinese universities.
- Fulbright scholarships for students undertake the academic programs in the United States.
- The Ministry of Education’s MEXT and the JASSO scholarship by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).
- Germany’s DAAD scholarships.
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Placements
Short and Long Internships
Students through the practical real-world experience during their education have short internships as well as long internships. Two month internships are arranged between the second and third years of academics to expose the students to different working environments in professional and cultural setups.
The one-year internship is similar to the experience they gain in the company as an entry-level engineer which is completed between the second and third academic year.
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End-of-Course Projects
Besides , Ecole des Ponts ParisTech offers End-of-Course Project (PFE) for at least 17 weeks whereby the student practice the skills acquired during the learning period in the industry setting, such as research lab in an institution or a company.
Student Services Offered by Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech offers a dense student services portfolio, housing facilities for almost 350 to 400 international students.
On-Campus Accommodation
For 1st and 2nd year engineering students, the school provides the residential options in the dorms of the campus housing partners, where the three-year engineering student can stay at Maison des Mines et des Ponts or else at the campus that has ample space as well.
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Off-Campus Accommodation
Students who want to establish their own living arrangements, the school provides housing managed by CROUS (Centre rEgionale des oeuvres universitaires et sociales), a public authority engaged in giving student accommodation, in private student residences will be provided in contract with private landlords.
Nearby Residences
Meunier and Perronet residences and Torcy Lognes accommodations are designed with the same goal of allocating accommodation for international students which is walkable from the campus. Additionally, CROUS provides rooms for the students in the school library.
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech offers a protected and well established residence to provide peaceful and elegant place to live.
Student Life at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
The school ensures that the student’s develop academic knowledge along with the healthy, nourishing and thriving learning environment outside the classrooms.
Feeling the Vibe of the Cultural and Social World
With a myriad of party and social events, student life here is marked by a never-stopping cycle of parties and events. These include informal BBQs, party, balanced life of study and fun along with the Gala which is conducted every year to gather students, friends, families and alumni.
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Students at the Forefront
The major objective of student life is to provide different groups and associations that include the Student Office, responsible for organizing events like the integration weekend and the cultural week.
The Sports Office implements organizational structure for the adventurous sport events and weekend trips where students can choose from a variety of sports such as surfing and skiing to stay thrilled and enjoy outdoor environment.
Cultivating Arts and Solidarity
The Arts Office brings the cultural life by organizing visits to museums, theater, jazz clubs, operas and ballets across Paris.
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Rankings
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