Study Abroad Packing list for Indian Students

Study Abroad Packing List for Indian Students

Ultimate Study Abroad Packing List

When planning to Study Abroad and After getting admission to a foreign university, the next step is packing your luggage. Undoubtedly, packing can be a daunting task if you’re a first-timer going abroad. And the biggest question of all time- What should I pack and what not?

Obviously, you can’t take your entire home with you due to luggage constraints. Moreover, trying to shove your whole life into one or two suitcases is practically not possible (except when you’re a minimalist).

So, packing mindfully is indispensable. Don’t worry, our Ultimate Study Abroad packing list specially designed for Indian Students is here to help you depending upon your host Country.

So, if you’re interested in that, keep on reading what is to be added to your packing list!

Take first step towards your Study Abroad Journey

Factors to consider before you prepare Packing

Many times Study Abroad packing list seems simple and easy. But little do you know, many components at the back end need to be considered before shoving stuff in your suitcase.

We’re breaking down all the necessary factors below for you to consider (just in case you missed them).

  • Length of your stay abroad

If you’re going to spend less time abroad to study for a few months, you don’t need to worry a lot about packing stuff. However, if your stay is for a year or more, you need to pack cautiously.

  • The overall climate of Host Country

More than half of your packing list depends on the type of climate you’ll encounter in the Host Country.

So, before starting to make a packing list, check the overall environment of your study abroad destination and, depending on that, pack your clothes, shoes, and other necessary items.

For instance, you’re moving to Canada to study abroad. It’s well known that Canada’s weather is the opposite of India’s. It’ll help if you pack clothes pertinent to cold weather.

In fact jackets, trench coats available in India are not appropriate for extreme Canadian weather. Therefore, after landing, you might have to buy new clothes suitable for Canada’s climate. So, don’t take this factor lightly.

  • Conservative or liberal society

If the host country is liberal and open-minded, you can pack whatever you like. But the same isn’t the case when the society is conservative and orthodox.

Depending on the level of conservatism, you need to pack stuff. This factor is crucial if you want to blend with the locals seamlessly. And to dodge awkward gazing moments.

Comprehensive study abroad packing list for Indian students

Indeed, study abroad packing is one of the most important experiences for a student. It gives broad exposure and opens doors to new cultures and people.

However, preparing to go abroad isn’t a cakewalk rather a challenging task.

So, below is the comprehensive list of things you need to pack for Study abroad as an Indian student. Are you ready? If yes, let’s go through the Study abroad packing list one by one.

1. Clothes

Firstly, do some pre-research on your destination. Notice the kind of clothing people usually wear, type of weather, and dress code in your university (if any).

Also, find the culturally appropriate clothing of the location. And based on all these points, start packing your clothes.

You can fill in these things:

  1. Jeans, pants, skirts, or other comfortable bottoms.
  2. T-shirts, shirts, or tank tops.
  3. Hoodie or sweatshirts (if the weather is cold).
  4. Undergarments ( 2 weeks worth).
  5. Socks and handkerchiefs (4 weeks worth).
  6. Casual clothes like leggings, shorts, dresses, etc.
  7. Formal clothes like a suit.
  8. Daily wear clothes like pajamas.
  9. Workout clothes.
  10. Towel.
  11. Comfy footwear.
  12. Flip flops.
  13. Walking shoes.
  14. Sleeping Bag
  15. Accessories like a belt, watch, scarves, hat, etc.

It’s advisable to pack clothes that are easy to layer, comfortable, don’t need ironing, and drip-dried.

Also, keep in mind not to overpack clothes as you have to pack other necessary items too mentioned below.

2. Toiletries

After clothes, the next important thing is toiletries. It’s always better to carry your daily essentials when going to a new place.

Are you specific about brands? If yes, you will need to pack a lot of things. If not, you can find a substitute for your favorite brand’s product at the new location.

The essential items to include are:

  1. Toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash.
  2. Hairbrush or comb.
  3. Deodorant or perfume.
  4. Skincare products including face wash, moisturizer, sunscreen, body lotion, etc.
  5. Makeup.
  6. Soap or shower gel.
  7. Shampoo conditioner.
  8. Hand wash and hand sanitizer.
  9. Feminine products like tampons, sanitary napkins, etc.
  10. Razor or trimmer and shaving cream.
  11. Toilet paper.
  12. Hair straightener.
  13. Blow dryer.

3. Travel Documents

Another vital thing to add to your packing list is your travel documents. It’s recommended to have photocopies of your original documents in carry on bag to be on a safer side.

Necessary items to include in your important documents are as follows:

  1. Passport.
  2. Flight tickets.
  3. Boarding Pass.
  4. Student Visa.
  5. Enrollment confirmation from school/university.
  6. Debit/credit card.
  7. Student card.
  8. Health insurance card.
  9. Travel insurance.
  10. Fee receipt of allotted accommodation.
  11. Local Currency

Please keep all your documents in one place so that it’s easier for you to access them whenever needed.

4. Medicines

Don’t forget to pack some essential medicines as well as your prescribed medicines in your suitcase.

In an emergency, finding a pharmacy in a foreign land can be challenging for you. Moreover, you won’t find the same medicines in other countries a majority of the time.

So take your prescribed medications with you in enough quantity.

Some essential medicines you should pack are:

  1. Cough Syrup.
  2. Dettol or savlon.
  3. Anti-nausea medicines.
  4. Paracetamol.
  5. Bandages.
  6. Anti-allergy medicines.
  7. Move or volini.

5. Currency of Host Country

Though cards and virtual currency are widely accepted worldwide, you must still carry some local currency with you.

You can get foreign currency from airport kiosks, money exchange businesses, banks, etc. Apart from cash, bring your international debit and credit card too.

6. Electronic Devices

No doubt, electronics are an essential part of our lives today. That’s why you must pack them.

Also, don’t forget to pack a universal adapter in your luggage, as most of the charging plug points are different in other countries. Pack all the below-mentioned electronic devices:

  1. Cell phone.
  2. Laptop.
  3. Chargers for all your devices.
  4. USB cables.
  5. Universal Adapter.
  6. Camera.
  7. Memory cards.
  8. Portable power bank.

Note: Your phone will not work abroad till the time you buy a new SIM card. Also, the calling rates are expensive in first-world countries, so use WiFi to contact your family. You can call your family members using free applications like Skype, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.

7. Food

Being an Indian student, mostly you’ll find food from other countries bland and flavorless. Also, adjusting to the new food will take a long time.

So, carry Indian frozen food, staple food items, and snacks for 8 weeks worth that can help you pass your transition days.

If you know cooking, pack some Indian spices too.

8. Miscellaneous Items

Last but not least, here are a few miscellaneous items which you can pack if you need them. These aren’t your typical travel essentials, but we’re mentioning them just in case you want them.

  • Umbrella.
  • Diary or journal.
  • Backpack.
  • Water bottle.
  • Stationery items like pen, paper, scissors, files, etc.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Contact lens.
  • Physical Map.
  • Earphone.
  • Books.
  • Bedsheet and pillowcase.
  • Wallet or purse.
  • Mini lock for hostel lockers.
  • Travel Pillow.

What not to pack checklist?

Let’s quickly have a look at our checklist of items that you should avoid while packing.

Not to pack ItemsRationale (to not pack)
1. Non-compatible electronicsThe voltage system is different in foreign countries. If you love your electronics that aren’t compatible with your new destination, leave them at home. Instead, buy those electronics from your new location.
2. Expensive stuffExpensive stuff is made to flaunt and to look chic & classy. But what if it breaks or gets stolen?! Avoid these undesirable situations by carrying only your essentials.
3. Glass bottles of liquidsGlass bottles are prone to break. And by chance they do break, you can imagine the kind of mess they’ll create. So, avoid packing them. Go for plastic bottles or transfer your favorite products in travel-size bottles (readily available online and offline).
4. Heels or inappropriate footwearWalking shoes and comfortable footwear is all that you need. Packing other types of footwear won’t be helpful for you. Also, girls avoid packing those uncomfortable heels. Instead, go for flat sandals.
5. Unnecessary clothesPacking unnecessary clothes won’t be helpful for you. It’ll only add to the weight of your luggage. So, pack only necessary items. In case you need more clothes, you can buy them later.


Typically, packing is the last thing to do before your departure. You can relax once you are done with it.

We come to an end with that, but before signing off, here’s a quick tip for you that will help you in packing.

Just like you do dance rehearsal before the D-day, do packing rehearsal too. Pack! Then unpack and try to do it at least two to three times.

Now you must be wondering what will this do, right?! Well, by doing this, you can have a clear idea of how much luggage you can carry, and you can drop off extra luggage quickly.

Not to mention, this will save you from last-minute anxiousness. Happy packing!

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